Access Microsoft Azure Courses On Pluralsight for Free

Access Microsoft Azure Courses On Pluralsight for Free August 19, 2019 by ben2code Everyday ,Microsoft keeps surprising us with new updates ,enhancements and free learning materials , and now , Microsoft had partnered with pluralsight to help you become an expert in Azure. There is no doubt that Pluralsight is one of my favorite E-learning websites , I learned a lot from there and the quality of courses and presentations are awesome .

Blazor Write C# instead of JavaScript to Build a Client-Side Single-Page App

What Is Blazor? Blazor is a new experimental web UI framework from the ASP.NET team that aims to brings .NET applications into all browsers (including mobile) via WebAssembly. It allows you to build true full-stack .NET applications, sharing code across server and client, with no need for transpilation or plugins. So ,Blazor is a web framework that, in short, allows you to write C# and HTML to create client-side single-page applications.

Font Awesome ,Bootstrap and Material Font Icons For Xamarin.Forms

Font Awesome ,Bootstrap and Material Font Icons For Xamarin.Forms July 21, 2019 by ben2code My entire time , using xamarin forms to develop mobile applications , I was using Images and specific Icons. I was generating those icons using google Asset Studio . Well , that was helpful , but there was a lot of waste of time even if google asset studio was there for us . I mean , choosing the right picture , using the google asset studio to generate pictures for @1x, @2x, @3x, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdi , later adding those picture to each folder and If you didn’t like the picture you should generate new ones.