Why you need to ensure updating your Xamarin.Android Application to Supports 64-Bit Devices and how to do that .

Why you need to ensure updating your Xamarin.Android Application to Supports 64-Bit Devices and how to do that . On July 9, 2019 , Like every app developer that has an application on play store , I received this email from google with a subject : Action required: Update your apps to be 64-bit compliant by August 1, 2019 . After reading the headline, I was worried a bit , what does this mean ?

Installing WordPress with docker image of xampp

Hi everyone ! , Today , in this new article we are going to see how to install wordpress on local machine, using xampp server from a docker image . First step we are going to pull an image of xampp from docker hub , for that I have found this docker image , You can download it using this command from your power shell or your favorite command tool :

How to make the most of each day

I can’t even hold count of how many people, Including myself, that keep saying: “I’m going to start reading this book tonight!” , “I’m going to learn Micro-services too ! “ “I’m going to start building this app tonight” . After work : After work , you probably : 1- Are tired from a long day at work. 2- Remember you have a big list of To-do yet you haven’t figured where to start from.