How To Send Mail Using SQL Server

HI sql developers , Few days ago , when I was working on my new blog , I was thinking about a way to receive and email when a new row is inserted into a specific table in sql server, I was looking for a cheap way to do that , not only because I don’t have money , but also in my country there is no online payment system or cards to use SMTP service providers like SendGrid.

Animations with Lottie in Xamarin Forms

Animations with Lottie in Xamarin Forms Days ago , I have been trying to add some animation to one of my applications ,and I was fascinated when I found Lottie . First , what is Lottie ? Lottie is a library, designed for iOS, Android and React Native, by Airbnb, that allows you to run animations. These animations are defined in a JSON file, containing all the details of colors, shapes, transforms and more.

Boxing and Unboxing in C#

As part of graduation projects , each year we should have internships in summer , so we had to prepare ourselves for interviews for technical and non technical question . I remember in one of the interviews , the last question was ,’can you explain to me what is boxing and unboxing ? ‘ and I was like : ![OMG](../../img/post4/giphy (1).gif) Well , I stood like that for 5 minutes and ended up saying that I don’t know the answer , then the interviewer get up from his desk and explained it to me by writing on a blackboard .