Access Microsoft Azure Courses On Pluralsight for Free August 19, 2019 by ben2code Everyday ,Microsoft keeps surprising us with new updates ,enhancements and free learning materials , and now , Microsoft had partnered with pluralsight to help you become an expert in Azure. There is no doubt that Pluralsight is one of my favorite E-learning websites , I learned a lot from there and the quality of courses and presentations are awesome .
Blazor Write C# instead of JavaScript to Build a Client-Side Single-Page App
What Is Blazor?
Blazor is a new experimental web UI framework from the ASP.NET team that aims to brings .NET applications into all browsers (including mobile) via WebAssembly. It allows you to build true full-stack .NET applications, sharing code across server and client, with no need for transpilation or plugins.
So ,Blazor is a web framework that, in short, allows you to write C# and HTML to create client-side single-page applications.
Font Awesome ,Bootstrap and Material Font Icons For Xamarin.Forms
Font Awesome ,Bootstrap and Material Font Icons For Xamarin.Forms July 21, 2019 by ben2code My entire time , using xamarin forms to develop mobile applications , I was using Images and specific Icons. I was generating those icons using google Asset Studio .
Well , that was helpful , but there was a lot of waste of time even if google asset studio was there for us . I mean , choosing the right picture , using the google asset studio to generate pictures for @1x, @2x, @3x, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdi , later adding those picture to each folder and If you didn’t like the picture you should generate new ones.